That said, it hasn't been going too badly so far, the pressure to do well this year as well as getting the animators and directors everything they need is keeping me going for the time being. I find that I enjoy the end of pre-production anyway as I have trouble coming up with initial ideas and designs but enjoy tweaking solid work.
So far I have basically what I put up here for the Centaur a few weeks back, even though some tweaks have been made to him, and I now have the player character design down, at least in terms of his size and shape so the animators can start thumbnailing and planning the animations and rigs.
So here is the Fae player character design so far:
The one on the left was the original design, then we had the idea of using the vines running along his body to roughly plot out the veins or follow the nervous system. I then came up with the one on the right. I really liked the idea but I'm not sure it comes across to well. I like how it grows up onto his face and down his arms, but I think I'll need to play around with it some more before I enjoy it.
I also have a list of props I'm making for the summer court environment as well as weapons, these include:
A bookcase made out of a tree
A bookcase made out of a tree
Musical Instruments
Tholos Arch (Similar to the Oracle of Delphi)
General Ruins
Tree Stumps
Bow and Arrow
Bow and Arrow
So far so good, just got to keep this up and keep knocking these designs out in preparation this should be an amazing project, lets hope my blog posts stay this optimistic over the next few months.