Sunday 14 August 2011

A Small Update

Its been longer than usual since my last post, and there's not all that much to report on...maybe I'm getting lazy and should do some more work...

I've mostly been working on quick sketches to keep my drawing skills up and not slip behind...who knows, I may even get better and maybe even get to an acceptable standard...but I think that might be a long way away :)

As for the animation, I've been mostly working on the skinning and have sorted out a few areas that had yet to be skinned properly or skinned badly so I can now begin working on the animation some more. Hopefully the project will only take another week or two before I have a finished animation but the main target is to have it done before I move back to uni, which I will be doing on the 17th of September, and I cant wait to get back to uni and get some work done :D

Here is the most recent render of the animation...

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