Sunday, 26 February 2012

More Ogres and Crossbows

Just a quick update on where the models are, not a huge difference as I have been working on my critical studies and visual forms but slowly battling through the work

Once the Ogre is done I can hand that over to Joe Hornsby to rig and get it into UDK and then him and Matt Watson can animate it.

Then when I have that and the crossbow done I can start looking at weapon set ups in UDK which look fairly complex so I want to get that done earlier on in the assignment to make sure I can do it.

Finally I have been playing with the UDK and the landscape tool which is a great tool used to easily make outdoor environments that seems quite easy to use.

Here's the most recent Ogre turnaround...

And I finished modelling and have just started texturing the crossbows, although the texturing is still in a very early state...

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Drawing Time!

Thought I would do a quick mid week post of some of the drawings I've been doing over the last few days.

I've been trying to get a minimum of an hours drawing done a day, which doesn't always work out but I try...

So here are some of my personal favourites I've done recently, shame the rest are not this good...

I also started reading a bit more of my anatomy book and thought I could draw the muscular structure of the body as well to make sure everything I'm reading is sticking in my head...

Friday, 17 February 2012

Ogres and Crossbows

So I haven't updated in a while so here goes...

I knew I wouldn't get a full weeks worth of work done of reading week with everything going on and well...I want to enjoy myself and see family and friends I haven't seen in a while, but I did get some work done

This is the ogre model so far , I did the majority of this work in the first week of major project...

Then over reading week I have modelled the crossbow which only needs a few final tweaks...

And also started the main tent for the Mongolian camp last night...

I'm going to start texturing some of these models when I get back to uni, I'm not doing it now because...well...I cant be bothered at the moment. But the modelling seems to be going smoothly so I'm getting a fair amount done at home...

That being said I'm beginning to see the mountain of work I have to climb before the end of the project...and the top of it is in the clouds somewhere, so I do hope that things continue to go smoothly for the majority of the project.

Once I've modelled and textured the crossbow I might try getting it in to UDK to try to set up the parameters and settings of it to get it working in game and even begin setting up the environment as these are things I haven't done before and will most likely need some help with it along the way so best to start it early and hit all the stumbling blocks now rather than at the end.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

End of Advanced Tech

So on Monday I handed in advanced tech, I've had quite a bit going on since then so I haven't had a chance to upload the final products...

So here they are!

Starting with the wireframe turnaround (Polycount = 7029)...

Textured turnaround...

Textured turnaround of the head...

And morph targets...

I would upload the deformation test but it seems I saved it straight to the university dropbox so I dont have a copy for myself...good work there Dean...I'll have to pull a copy down from there sometime.

Any feedback is welcome and very useful as I still have time to change parts of the character before it goes into UDK.