Sunday, 22 May 2011

Glammie Awards Update

So the first 2 weeks of the Glammie sting production are gone, and 1 week is left to finish up the final product including adding the art assets, sound, lighting and cameras. :S fingers crossed

These are the 2 parts of animation I have done so far, mostly finished up I think, although were showing the other students our progress tomorrow so I'll soon know if any major changes are needed...

Hero Enters

Kissing the Princess

Sunday, 15 May 2011

The Next Project Begins!

The final thing to complete the year of university doesn't count towards the final year grade, but is still important. I have to work in a group to create a sting in between an award ceremony called the Glammies, celebrating the best animators and 3D artists at the University of Glamorgan.

The theme of the event is fairy tales so our group decided to spoof the sleeping beauty story...but that's all I can say for now, need to keep it a secret for the event ;)

Ill be posting my part of the animation once I have the basics blocked out :D

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Final 1st Year Piece

So my first year assignments are all complete, mostly to a good standard I hope, but the last one became a struggle for me and found myself only getting 4 hours sleep over 48 hours and using 2 computers for the last few hours...and still didn’t complete it. Ah well I’ve learnt a lesson for next time...always get your work done well in advance of the deadline, mistakes WILL happen :)

But I did get the majority of the animation done, albeit with no textures or environments and here they are, next job is to sort these out so they work with the arty stuff :D 


This is the deformation test for the Roman soldier character I used in my final 1st year project. The model was created by Lauren Slater on the same course as me and I skinned it to a CAT rig in 3DS Max.


The first animation I did was my Roman soldier charging into battle with sword drawn and shield up. This was an interesting piece as it was my first run animation and found that it was nothing like what I had the reference helped loads on this one. 

The second animation had to be a trait of the character being shown and the characteristics of them had to show through, I decided to do him training to stay at the top of his game as I saw him as a very competitive man who is proud to serve his country. 
I originally wanted a change of angle everytime he swaps activity but time got the better of me.

Last but not least is the performance animation which had to include the characteristics of the roman, be at least 10 seconds long and include dialogue, this was the furthest I got with this piece and doesn’t currently include any dialogue...the lip sync and the performance with be completed with sound in the upcoming weeks. :)

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Visual Studies Work

My first post of my work here on my blog :D
Here is some artwork done for my visual studies class as I frantically try to complete my last 2 projects of the academic year, I'll upload the animations once they are completed and I can settle down for the weekend :)